Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metals in your PC

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metals in your PC


Metals are materials that are in our daily basis activities and which you barely notice. However, you may want to know more about the topic and get deeper in the knowledge of the computer you are using right now.

Your computer?contains some of the following materials in different degrees:

Neodymium: this is on your hard drive which is mainly the materials of the magnets.

Aluminum: located in printed boards with this material, computer chips, hard drives and CPU heat sinks.

Cobalt: it belongs to the hard drive piece.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metals used in computers

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metals used in computers


Tantalum: in the components of the circuit board.

Copper: located in the CPU sinks, cables, printed circuit boards and also in the chips of your PC.

Platinum: which can be found in the hard drive and circuit board components.

Palladium: located in the hard drives and the component of the circuit board as well. They are the capacitors.

Nickel: which can be found in the circuit board component.

Zinc:? they are printed on the circuit boards.

Tin: also located on the circuit boards in a printed form and on computer chips.


As you can see, more than one single metal is used on your computers and if you want to go further, remember every single component of your PC. Your motherboard, CPU and even the peripherals like USB cables and pen drives do have metals in different parts. This means that it would be definitely not possible to make a single computer without using these materials which are sometimes overlooked by the computer lovers who can get more knowledge on the possibilities of the computer rather than the materials of the computers which are as well important.

You should keep enjoying learning about the many metals out there and how they are used and as for computer, it will be always nice to understand the value of what you have in your hands even if it is not your subject so that you not only have more general knowledge on meals but also understanding on how useful it is for your own welfare in a daily basis.


-Jose Manuel Mustafa