[Jose Manuel Mustaf?] Iron Without Ironies: Important Materials

If you think that there are?materials?that are?helpful?in spite of how unpopular they might be, then you should think on how good?iron?can be for you. Remember that there are many items that will need iron in order to be made . For example, there are many?knives,?forks,?spoons?and other?kitchen?items that are made with iron.

Do not forget that?iron?is very useful because of the nice conduction it has for?electricity?and?heat. This is necessary in almost everyones kitchen. If it was not because of iron, it would be kind of weird to think of a?kitchen?were?wooden?tool were used still today.


Of course, there are other use besides being part of the?kitchen?and?culinary?arts. Remember that?musical?instrument?will commonly need iron part so that they can be?manufactured. There are electric guitar components that will be made of iron and they will be needed so that electricity can flow properly in the instrument. This is similar for the?drums?of many bands today but they do not necessarily need electricity but a good resonance instead.

If you have been thinking on how good it can be iron for many?study fields,?you should remember that iron is needed for architects and engineer in the?construction?of many?structures. Architects will need iron skeletons to create buildings so that they do not fall apart.


So as you can see, iron is a very important?material?and even if it is not the most valuable one, it urely ha quite a good?relevance?for many people the world today.

It is not an?irony?but more of an?iron?business!



[Jose Manuel Mustafa] 4 Types of Metals You Should Know More About

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Gold

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Gold

Gold: this material is used in many things that could be used in our daily lives indirectly or directly. For example, consider that many wedding rings and the ones that are used in graduations are made of pure gold. The meaning of gold would be nothing if?there was not an industry that worked with it and you should also remember the importance of them.


Steel: in security systems, steel is one of the most important materials to work with. Think of the strength of such a material, it is quite easy for anyone to safely store different items in lockers, cases and even in the banks.

Copper: this material is really important so that we can build the pipe that forms the pipeline systems in toilet, restaurants, plants and almost any other kind of constructions that requires n internal pipelining system. This is really important in our days and the fact that we do have copper is definitely something good to remember.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Aluminium

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Alluminium

Aluminum: this material has been a little underrated by many ones because people could think it is mainly used in recyclable dishes. But in fact, this important a material is useful for the body of military weapons and it is used as one of the most important metals to dress up metallic bodies of air machines.

There are of course a lot of things that you should know about the many metals that there are in the world and you should also learn about the importance of the metals?around the world which of course are thousands. Never forget that you can get deeper on the topic with more steelwork products.

Consider that these materials are important in our daily life and of course you can totally share this information among your friend how may not be aware of the importance of steel?works and the many products that we use every day but that we should evaluate more closely.



-Jose Manuel Mustafa

Jose Manuel Mustafa – The Construction of Biomaterials

There are plenty of usages in the present of metallurgic works, which have been important not only for the?construction?of different metal pieces that we use in our daily basis; but, besides, ?in the present,?biomaterials?are one of the most interesting and helpful usages for these materials.

Types of Biomaterials

Examples of biomaterials


Metallurgic works?are necessary in order to construct the different pieces needed for different sectors of biomaterial works. People are getting very benefited by these materials. In fact, you should consider that there are people who would get a happier life because they got a metal legs or arms. That is one of the best usages that metal works could have, giving happiness to a person in such a necessary way.

Of course, it will not be the same for people to have a metal part than their real arm, leg or body part. However, this is something really useful and, in fact, ?there are some laboratories working very hard to get more and more knowledge about robotic parts. This, as you might have guessed, needs biomaterials in order to work.

People?around the world who would be benefited by metal parts to replace the human they have lost, so the fact that biomaterials are going to be that?helpful?is amazing to know, right?. However, this doesnt mean that they will get so fast in their researching to the point of getting better metal parts, not yet. It is a necessary thing to study the usage of the parts and the way in which they could work synchronized with the body and organisms. Many studies are still ongoing when it comes to biomaterials, we just have to keep an eye on it to follow its tracks. More amazing news might be to come in the near future.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Biomaterials

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Biomaterials and metalworks


-Jose Manuel Mustafa



Jose Manuel Mustafa: Biomaterials and The Metallurgic Industry

When it comes to learn about the?metallurgic?works?and the fact that they have many usages in our?daily?lives, we could mention?interesting topics. One of them is related to biomaterials, which?may start being part of many people lives in the near future. There are many biomaterials?to mention and talk about, especially because this topic sort of new in matters of medicine and metallurgy.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic works

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Materials used in the industry

There are people who, for many possible reasons, have lost certain parts of their?bodies,?such as: arms, ears, legs and even some organs. This is not something that should just stay like that, but now there is some?interesting?news; for example, the fact that exist plenty of labs and medicine advancements that implies using?metallurgic?works?in order to support these people.?Biomaterials?require, of course, a specific mechanism in order to work. This mechanism is well known by the experts, who apply it according to the case. The importance of certain metals and materials is huge?if you consider that they will act as the substitute of a bone or a certain part of human bodies.

People who need biomaterials must get used to a new lifestyle.? Thanks to the progress that these?technologies?have made, there are new possibilities for these people. As for the?metallurgic?industry, theres an interesting and new job sector thats opening a lot of opportunities to people looking for innovating jobs.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Biomaterials can save lifes

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Benefits of biomaterials

Its important to recognize the value of these works in the metallurgic industry, this way we can?learn?a little bit more of?technology. Because the truth is that these?materials?are really useful and are helping?society?with this?big?initiative!

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic works: Learning more about them

Metallurgic works?are important for every country. Actually, there are plenty of items that we probably use daily but we have possibly not even wondered where they came from.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - How these industries work

Jose Manuel Mustafa – There are many different techniques and process

There are plenty of?industries?that work every day in order to extract the minerals that are in different parts of the world, such as the?mines, for putting an example. By getting these important materials, metallurgic industries can?transform?it into many objects that are used by us and everyone around the world?every day.

Consider that all around the world exist metallurgic industries that put in practice amazing processes to get the minerals and transform them so they can be useful for us. By looking at the images we left here you will get an idea of how amazing and interesting these works are.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic worjk

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Techniques of metallurgic work

As you can see, a?whole?process?is needed in order to get the minerals transformed into different things (as the images show). Metallurgic?works require a professional team with enough instruction and education in the world of siderurgy and metallurgic industries.

There are a lot of?techniques in the?industry?used by the professionals every time they work with the iron that will be transformed. Steel works are ?unique since it is one of the materials we see almost every and its common to find it. So, isnt hard to believe that Metallurgic?works are and will be a very important part of the?human?life, especially ?because these materials are considerably necessary for many purposes that make our lives a lot easier.

Hopefully, this will encourage you to learn more about the importance of?this topic that has?such a big influence on our daily lives.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?: Puentes, construcciones asombrosas

La idea de construir puentes vino desde hace mucho tiempo, pero seguramente se realizaron con elementos naturales simples, tal vez un tronco que cay? o algunas piedras. Pero lo importante fue que estos primeros puentes dieron paso a un abanico de posibilidades para el hombre, pues a medida que este fue evolucionando, sus habilidades para construir se fueron refinando.??Jos? Manuel Mustaf?2

Es un hecho que, con el tiempo, los puentes se han vuelto m?s complicados. Durante su historia se pueden vislumbrar los grandes avances que tuvieron que hacer los ingenieros para que estas construcciones fueran cada vez mejores. Seg?n se fue progresando en el conocimiento de los materiales y la forma en la que estos resisten a la madre naturaleza, se fueron construyendo estructuras m?s grandes pero con menor uso de materiales.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?1Si quieres saber m?s sobre estos incre?bles inventos que contribuyeron, en gran medida, al comercio nacional e internacional en todo el mundo, no te pierdas la siguiente lista, propuesta por Jos? Manuel Mustaf?, donde est?n algunos de los puentes m?s impresionantes:

  1. Puente de ferrocarril en el r?o Forth: construido en Edimburgo, Escocia. Esta es una estructura totalmente de hierro, de 2 kil?metros y medio de largo y, un siglo despu?s de haberlo terminado, todav?a transitan 200 trenes diariamente.
  2. Puente de Brooklyn: este es uno de los puentes m?s famosos mundialmente, ubicado en Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Desde que se inaugur?, en el a?o 1883, todav?a sigue impresionando a muchos que lo ven.
  3. Puente de Langkawi: si te gusta un entorno ex?tico deber?as pasar por esta estructura que te ofrece una experiencia directa con la vegetaci?n de Malasia.
  4. Puente de la Bah?a de S?dney: est? ubicado en la ciudad m?s poblada de Australia y est? hecho completamente de acero. Por ?l circulan los carros, trenes, bicicletas y personas.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?

Tal vez fue la madera el primer material que se us? para construir un puente, posteriormente se recurri? a la piedra y a los ladrillos, despu?s estos dieron paso al acero, el hierro y al hormig?n. Y, desde el siglo XIX, ?stos han sido los m?s utilizados.

Por Jos? Manuel Mustaf

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?: Tesoros escondidos en las minas

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?2JMM-. Existen muchos procedimientos en el mundo de la construcci?n, y la extracci?n de los minerales necesarios para la elaboraci?n de las herramientas es la base de todo. La extracci?n, que se lleva a cabo en una mina, es el conjunto de labores hechas por muchos trabajadores para explotar un yacimiento rico en hierro, cobre u oro. El ?xito en estas operaciones est? en el tratamiento correcto del entorno.

Tambi?n es importante, seg?n Jos? Manuel Mustaf?, saber que cada una de estas materias inorg?nicas son originadas por procesos geol?gicos. Algunos se desarrollan en el interior de la tierra, como el tectonismo y el vulcanismo. Otros, en el exterior, se sedimentan, entonces permiten que sean sacados de las cavernas o cuevas en la que se almacenan.

En todos los pa?ses, la miner?a es considerada una de sus principales actividades econ?micas, pero en pa?ses como Chile, Estados Unidos, M?xico o Rusia es mucho m?s primordial.

Para Jos? Manuel Mustaf?, este es un tema muy interesante y, si quieres saber m?s sobre esto, aqu? te presentaremos una lista con las mejores minas de todo el mundo:

  1. Mina el Teniente: esta es la mina de cobre m?s grande, est? ubicada en Santiago, Chile. En ella se extrae el 30% de este material en el mundo. Impresionante, ?no?
  2. Mina Yanacocha: construida en los Andes Peruanos, es la segunda mina de oro a cielo abierto m?s grande de Am?rica del Sur.
  3. Mina en Mirny: es una mina que se encarga de la extracci?n de diamantes, queda en Siberia y es la explotaci?n m?s grande de este tipo en todo el mundo.
  4. Mina en Suecia: es considerada la mina de hierro m?s grande del mundo y se encuentra muy cerca del C?rculo Polar ?rtico.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?1La actividad minera es una parte fundamental en la vida del ser humano porque impulsa el desarrollo econ?mico, log?stico y arquitect?nico de las comunidades en todo el mundo.

Por Jos? Manuel Mustaf