Jose Manuel Mustafa – Find out why steel works are so important

Metallurgic works? are super involved in our?daily?lives;??for this reason, we brought a little bit of information about this interesting topic because it could be very useful if we all acquire some more knowledge about steel and its relationship with metallurgic works.

You can easily find these?materials? in your?forks,?spoons,?desks?and even the?computer, smartphone or tablet?you are using right now to read this. This is why this subject its important because?truth is that the products produced through?metal?works?have been?helping all of us and, in most of the cases, we havent ?even noticed it but thats about to change!

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Working with steel

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Workes

As you may have noticed, materials such as?iron,?zinc,?and even something as common such as steel, are literally everywhere. There are?plenty?of?things?that need be done in order to get these materials to the shape of something as normal as a?spoon. Consider that there are whole industries and factories that have to work with these materials and a lot of people working in order to get those things just perfectly shaped, as we like them.

Even something as?seemingly?small?as a bolt needs its processing, ?and when it comes to metal?works?there are many? things that need to be done. ?With these pictures, you can get an idea of the hard work that has to be done from the beginning until the end to ensure well have items of good quality. Consider that you have learned something new today and that now you will be able to share it with you friends!

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic and steel works

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic industry


-Jose Manuel Mustafa

Jose Manuel Mustafa: Metallurgic Works in our Lives

When it comes to learning about the?many things that?can be achieved thanks to metallurgic?works, its important to know that there are plenty of usages that you can give to these important materials. Metallurgic industries have been working for a long time and everything they produce has a very important place in our daily life, you just have to look around to notice it.


Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic Industry

Metallurgic?works?have a big impact in?our?life. Technically speaking, even the computer, the smartphone or the tablet youre using right now to read this is a product that depends?on?metallurgic?works. You may be wonder why. Well, the answer its easy:? it has?metal! Plenty of industries,?that are around us, are working this metal for us, to make our life easier.

However, there are plenty of?metallurgic?works?that dont necessarily have to do with the big?industries, which are the most popular meaning of a metallurgic industry. Something as simple as a bolt is also a product of the?metallurgic?works.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic and Biomaterials

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic works are really useful for biomaterials

It is interesting to consider how much metallurgic works?and technology are related, and how the both of them are so useful for human improvement in many different ways. There are people that, despite of sounding a little exaggerated, actually needs a?toe?because they lost it in a?car?accident?or maybe because they were working in a?dangerous?mine.?And Biomaterials?are an alternative for this people because its efficiently and?faithfully. There will be more?technology improvement?that can be?supportive?to help more and more people to have a better life all around the world.

Jose Manuel Mustafa

Jos? Manuel Mustaf? Flores: Estamos en negociaciones con Sidor para exportar conchas de acero

Estamos ahorita en logros de buscar una negociaci?n con Sidor para que nos puedan vender conchas de acero y nosotros procesarlas internamente para efectos de su exportaci?n.

Durante una entrevista concedida por el presidente de Ia Industria de Transformaci?n Ferrosa C.A (INTRAFECA), Jos? Manuel Mustaf? Flores, dio a conocer sobre los nuevos proyectos en los cuales trabaja la compa??a venezolana, apuntando a una diversificaci?n del mercado para generar un flujo importante de divisas en el pa?s.

Mustaf? Flores detall? que esta nueva actividad involucra la utilizaci?n puntual de unas conchas que forman parte de un excedente de la fundici?n que hace la acer?a el?ctrica de Sidor, la cual contiene el mismo contenido ferroso que puede contener el lingote de acero fundido, que oscila entre 96 a 98% de ferrocidad.

Nosotros solamente entrar?amos a funcionar con excedentes de la laminaci?n que no es un desecho, no es una chatarra, pero si es un excedente, es decir lo que sobra de la fundici?n de acero con las mismas cualidades y caracter?sticas del acero formal, nosotros trabajar?amos con ese excedente, lo procesar?amos y lo convertir?amos en un material apto para su exportaci?n, afirm?, Jos? Manuel Mustaf? Flores.

Igualmente insisti? que esta nueva comercializaci?n representa grandes beneficios para el pa?s, tanto en t?rminos de divisas y en t?rminos econ?micos para el propio trabajador, porque cuando una empresa est? funcionando con una producci?n que de naturaleza se sale del panorama nacional se da un rendimiento que se traduce en una rentabilidad mucho mejor para la empresa y por supuesto mucho mejor para el trabajador.

Por ?ltimo, el presidente de Intrafeca asegur? estar satisfecho con la operatividad de la empresa, afirmando que a pesar de la situaci?n del pa?s registran un peque?o crecimiento que los hace mantenerse en pie.

Jose Manuel Mustafa: Biomaterials and The Metallurgic Industry

When it comes to learn about the?metallurgic?works?and the fact that they have many usages in our?daily?lives, we could mention?interesting topics. One of them is related to biomaterials, which?may start being part of many people lives in the near future. There are many biomaterials?to mention and talk about, especially because this topic sort of new in matters of medicine and metallurgy.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic works

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Materials used in the industry

There are people who, for many possible reasons, have lost certain parts of their?bodies,?such as: arms, ears, legs and even some organs. This is not something that should just stay like that, but now there is some?interesting?news; for example, the fact that exist plenty of labs and medicine advancements that implies using?metallurgic?works?in order to support these people.?Biomaterials?require, of course, a specific mechanism in order to work. This mechanism is well known by the experts, who apply it according to the case. The importance of certain metals and materials is huge?if you consider that they will act as the substitute of a bone or a certain part of human bodies.

People who need biomaterials must get used to a new lifestyle.? Thanks to the progress that these?technologies?have made, there are new possibilities for these people. As for the?metallurgic?industry, theres an interesting and new job sector thats opening a lot of opportunities to people looking for innovating jobs.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Biomaterials can save lifes

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Benefits of biomaterials

Its important to recognize the value of these works in the metallurgic industry, this way we can?learn?a little bit more of?technology. Because the truth is that these?materials?are really useful and are helping?society?with this?big?initiative!

Jose Manuel Mustafa: Metallurgic Works and its Importance

When it comes to learning about?metallurgic?works, a good start could be taking a look around to observe how many things are made of?iron?or other?minerals?that we use every day. This will help you, primarily, to notice how important metallurgic works are in our daily life.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - How it works

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic works in process


There are many?materials extracted by?metallurgic?works?that take place in big factories and?industries. Jose Manuel Mustafa considers that learning more about these works worth it because there is a lot of information that could be really helpful, whether you are studying a?metallurgic?related career or not. Its important to keep in mind that metallurgic works are really important for plenty industries that need these works to fulfill their basic activities.

Biomaterials?are an essential part of metallurgic works. For example, there are people who dont have certain tissues in their bodies, ?but thanks to the?biomaterials they are able to have a better lifestyle and a higher quality while living a daily basis. In fact, biometrics are one of the many results of metallurgic and, in a way, it is mixed with the knowledge we have about the?human body.?

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic and Biomaterials

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic works are really useful for biomaterials

The fact of knowing that a heart, an ear, an arm?or even whole feet can be ?constructed ?through ?biomaterials?is really important because, in the near future, it could represent a huge help for those who had different problems such as amputations or life lasting damaging issues that made them lose a?certain part of their bodies.?Its great news for science, isnt it?

Now you see, there are plenty of usages that for metallurgic works and they all are a big part of our lives!

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Metallurgic works: Learning more about them

Metallurgic works?are important for every country. Actually, there are plenty of items that we probably use daily but we have possibly not even wondered where they came from.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - How these industries work

Jose Manuel Mustafa – There are many different techniques and process

There are plenty of?industries?that work every day in order to extract the minerals that are in different parts of the world, such as the?mines, for putting an example. By getting these important materials, metallurgic industries can?transform?it into many objects that are used by us and everyone around the world?every day.

Consider that all around the world exist metallurgic industries that put in practice amazing processes to get the minerals and transform them so they can be useful for us. By looking at the images we left here you will get an idea of how amazing and interesting these works are.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Metallurgic worjk

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Techniques of metallurgic work

As you can see, a?whole?process?is needed in order to get the minerals transformed into different things (as the images show). Metallurgic?works require a professional team with enough instruction and education in the world of siderurgy and metallurgic industries.

There are a lot of?techniques in the?industry?used by the professionals every time they work with the iron that will be transformed. Steel works are ?unique since it is one of the materials we see almost every and its common to find it. So, isnt hard to believe that Metallurgic?works are and will be a very important part of the?human?life, especially ?because these materials are considerably necessary for many purposes that make our lives a lot easier.

Hopefully, this will encourage you to learn more about the importance of?this topic that has?such a big influence on our daily lives.

Jose Manuel Mustaf?: El acero es el futuro de las industrias

El acero?es un material indispensable a la hora de construir. Este es un ingrediente importante si se quiere que las v?as de transporte, las infraestructuras, y todos los sistemas de agua, energ?a o ca?er?as funcionen. Y es que toda la?maquinaria industrial, las viviendas, los electrodom?sticos y hasta los envases est?n hechos de acero.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?


La industria sider?rgica?mundial es uno de los grandes motores de la econom?a. Actualmente las cifras de producci?n de acero estar por encima de los 2 millones de toneladas m?tricas, y el principal pa?s productor de esta materia prima hoy en d?a es?China, solo ellos representan un 36% del porcentaje mundial.

Lo que hace que?el acero?sea tan demandado son su disponibilidad, versatilidad, resistencia y capacidad para ser reciclado, cada vez son m?s los expertos que indican a este como el material del futuro. Gracias a que es una aleaci?n de?hierro?y?carbono?es muy f?cil encontrarlos en abundancia en la naturaleza, tambi?n es un material muy resistente, puede trabajar tanto en fr?o como en temperaturas muy altas.

Todo esto le brinda la oportunidad a los constructores,?ingenieros y arquitectos?de a adaptarse a las m?s diversas aplicaciones: el acero cuenta con 5.000 tipos de composiciones.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?

Cabillas, tubos y l?minas de acero

Es incre?ble las diversas ventajas que te ofrece este material de construcci?n,?Jos? Manuel Mustaf? expone?cu?les son los mayores?pa?ses explotadores de acero:

  1. La Uni?n Europea
  2. Jap?n
  3. Estados unidos
  4. India
  5. Rusia
  6. Corea del Sur
  7. Alemania

Todos ellos saben que no pueden equivocarse en la producci?n de acero, este material promete resistencia a la?corrosi?n, al desgaste, hacia la conductividad, el?aislamiento?y la deformaci?n, entre otros. La siderurgia es muy importante para el crecimiento econ?mico, pero tambi?n es importante para el progreso de infraestructuras de la ciudad, el mejoramiento de su vialidad y servicios, mejorando la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes.

Por?Jos? Manuel Mustaf?


Jos? Manuel Mustaf?: Puentes, construcciones asombrosas

La idea de construir puentes vino desde hace mucho tiempo, pero seguramente se realizaron con elementos naturales simples, tal vez un tronco que cay? o algunas piedras. Pero lo importante fue que estos primeros puentes dieron paso a un abanico de posibilidades para el hombre, pues a medida que este fue evolucionando, sus habilidades para construir se fueron refinando.??Jos? Manuel Mustaf?2

Es un hecho que, con el tiempo, los puentes se han vuelto m?s complicados. Durante su historia se pueden vislumbrar los grandes avances que tuvieron que hacer los ingenieros para que estas construcciones fueran cada vez mejores. Seg?n se fue progresando en el conocimiento de los materiales y la forma en la que estos resisten a la madre naturaleza, se fueron construyendo estructuras m?s grandes pero con menor uso de materiales.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?1Si quieres saber m?s sobre estos incre?bles inventos que contribuyeron, en gran medida, al comercio nacional e internacional en todo el mundo, no te pierdas la siguiente lista, propuesta por Jos? Manuel Mustaf?, donde est?n algunos de los puentes m?s impresionantes:

  1. Puente de ferrocarril en el r?o Forth: construido en Edimburgo, Escocia. Esta es una estructura totalmente de hierro, de 2 kil?metros y medio de largo y, un siglo despu?s de haberlo terminado, todav?a transitan 200 trenes diariamente.
  2. Puente de Brooklyn: este es uno de los puentes m?s famosos mundialmente, ubicado en Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Desde que se inaugur?, en el a?o 1883, todav?a sigue impresionando a muchos que lo ven.
  3. Puente de Langkawi: si te gusta un entorno ex?tico deber?as pasar por esta estructura que te ofrece una experiencia directa con la vegetaci?n de Malasia.
  4. Puente de la Bah?a de S?dney: est? ubicado en la ciudad m?s poblada de Australia y est? hecho completamente de acero. Por ?l circulan los carros, trenes, bicicletas y personas.

Jos? Manuel Mustaf?

Tal vez fue la madera el primer material que se us? para construir un puente, posteriormente se recurri? a la piedra y a los ladrillos, despu?s estos dieron paso al acero, el hierro y al hormig?n. Y, desde el siglo XIX, ?stos han sido los m?s utilizados.

Por Jos? Manuel Mustaf